N5K VPC功能配置及测试


1.1 测试目的

Nexus 5500交换机作为业界第一款统一端口交换机,同时支持ethernet、 Fibre Channel和Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCOE)协议。本次测试的目的是为了测试Nexus 5500交换机的功能,以验证是否适合作为服务器区的汇聚交换机,同时实现服务器区的以太网汇聚和SAN存储汇聚,从而逐渐向两网融合的方向演进。.


  • 主机:1台IBM P550
  • 系统:AIX
  • FC HBA:emulex 4Gb double-port
  • 盘柜:HDS 2300
  • 网络设备:两台Nexus 5596,一台Nexus 2148,一台Nexus 2248,一台Catalyst 3560G




通过Console线连接到两台Nexus 5596的管理口上,分别配置两台设备的管理IP地址在同一网段。在本例中Nexus 5596-1的管理ip是168.7.63.11,Nexus 5596-2的管理ip是168.7.63.12。如下图所示,管理站和A、B控制器正常连接。


interface mgmt0
ip address
vrf context management
ip route

interface mgmt0
ip address
vrf context management
ip route



到思科网站www.cisco.com/go/license申请N5K的FCOE license,申请后更改license名字(不能太长)。

switch# show license host-id
License hostid: VDH=FOX1513GHGZ
copy tftp:// bootflash:test.lic vrf management
install license bootflash:test.lic



把kickstart image拷进bootflash。
将system image文件拷进bootflash升级操作系统


copy tftp:// n5000-uk9-kickstart.5.1.3.N1.1a.bin bootflash: n5000-uk9-kickstart.5.1.3.N1.1a.bin
copy tftp:// n5000-uk9.5.1.3.N1.1a.bin bootflash: n5000-uk9.5.1.3.N1.1a.bin
Install all



3.1 测试目的

虚拟端口捆绑技术vPC(Virtual Port-Channel)是一种扩展技术,它通过将两个交换机的转发平面整合,实现接入设备采用Port-Channel同时上联两个汇聚交换机,实现双倍的聚合带宽,并消除STP blocked ports,在link/device失效下提供快速收敛。采用板卡延伸技术和vPC技术,可以有效扩展网络规模,同时减少生成树对于网络的影响。

传统端口信道通信的最大限制在于端口信道只能在两个设备之间运行。在大型网络中,设计中常常需要同时支持多个设备,来提供某些形式的硬件故障备用路径。这一备用路径的连接方式常常会导致环路,从而限制对单一路径实施端口信道技术的优势。为突破此限制,Cisco NX-OS软件平台提供一种名为虚拟端口捆绑组,或即 vPC 的技术。尽管对于与端口信道相连的设备来说,一对作为 vPC 对等终端的交换机就像是单一逻辑实体,但这两个作为逻辑端口信道终端的设备仍是两个独立设备。该环境结合了硬件冗余性和端口信道环路管理的优势。升级到一个完全基于端口信道的环路管理机制,所能获得的另一主要优势是,链路恢复速度大大加快。生成树协议从链路故障中恢复的时间大约为6秒,而完全基于虚拟端口捆绑组vPC的解决方案则有可能在不到 1 秒能完成故障恢复。



  • 通过冗余系统提高系统可用性
  • 无需使用生成树协议,即能进行环路管理
  • 始终提供完全系统带宽可用性
  • 迅速恢复链路故障
  • 为任意支持 IEEE 802.3ad 的边缘设备提供端口信道连接




3.2 测试拓扑

将两台Nexus 2000设备与两台Nexus 5596交叉连接,验证两台Nexus 5596上是否都能认到两台Nexus 2000设备。

3.3 测试配置

将管理口连接用作peer keepalive link
将互联接口用作peer link

feature vpc
vpc domain 3
peer-keepalive destination

interface port-channel230
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type network
speed 10000
vpc peer-link

interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 230 mode active

interface Ethernet1/5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 230 mode active

interface port-channel100
vpc 100

interface port-channel132
switchport mode fex-fabric
fex associate 132
vpc 132

interface Ethernet1/7
switchport mode fex-fabric
fex associate 132
channel-group 132


feature vpc
vpc domain 3
peer-keepalive destination

interface port-channel230
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type network
speed 10000
vpc peer-link

interface Ethernet1/3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 230 mode active

interface Ethernet1/5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 230 mode active
interface port-channel132
vpc 132

interface port-channel100
switchport mode fex-fabric
fex associate 100
vpc 100

interface Ethernet1/7
switchport mode fex-fabric
fex associate 100
channel-group 100


; 两个fex都已经正常连接
;vPC 100状态正常
;Vpc 132状态正常

n5596-1# show fex
FEX         FEX           FEX                       FEX
Number    Description      State            Model            Serial
100        FEX0100                Online      N2K-C2148T-1GE   FOX1316GD83
132        FEX0132                Online     N2K-C2248TP-1GE   SSI141904Y2

n5596-1#show run
interface Ethernet100/1/1
interface Ethernet100/1/2
interface Ethernet100/1/3
interface Ethernet132/1/1
interface Ethernet132/1/2
interface Ethernet132/1/3

n5596-1# show port-channel database
Last membership update is successful
2 ports in total, 2 ports up
First operational port is Ethernet1/1
Age of the port-channel is 27d:15h:30m:25s
Time since last bundle is 27d:15h:31m:25s
Last bundled member is Ethernet1/2
Ports:   Ethernet1/1     [on] [up] *
Ethernet1/2     [on] [up]
Last membership update is successful
1 ports in total, 1 ports up
First operational port is Ethernet1/7
Age of the port-channel is 27d:15h:30m:25s
Time since last bundle is 14d:18h:01m:33s
Last bundled member is Ethernet1/7
Ports:   Ethernet1/7     [on] [up] *
Last membership update is successful
2 ports in total, 2 ports up
First operational port is Ethernet1/3
Age of the port-channel is 14d:18h:08m:51s
Time since last bundle is 14d:18h:08m:46s
Last bundled member is Ethernet1/5
Ports:   Ethernet1/3     [active ] [up] *
Ethernet1/5     [active ] [up]

n5596-1# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
vPC domain id                   : 3
Peer status                     : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status           : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status     : success
Type-2 consistency status       : success
vPC role                        : secondary, operational primary
Number of vPCs configured       : 100
Peer Gateway                    : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs      : -
Graceful Consistency Check      : Enabled
vPC Peer-link status
id   Port   Status Active vlans
--   ----   ------ --------------------------------------------------
1    Po230  up     1,10,50,150,300

vPC status
id     Port        Status Consistency Reason                     Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
100    Po100       up     success     success                    -
132    Po132       up     success     success                    -
101377 Eth100/1/1  down*  Not         Consistency Check Not      -
Applicable  Performed
n5596-2# show fex
FEX         FEX           FEX                       FEX
Number    Description      State            Model            Serial
100        FEX0100                Online      N2K-C2148T-1GE   FOX1316GD83
132        FEX0132                Online     N2K-C2248TP-1GE   SSI141904Y2

n5596-2#show run
interface Ethernet100/1/1
interface Ethernet100/1/2
interface Ethernet100/1/3
interface Ethernet132/1/1
interface Ethernet132/1/2
interface Ethernet132/1/3

n5596-2# show port-channel database
Last membership update is successful
1 ports in total, 1 ports up
First operational port is Ethernet1/7
Age of the port-channel is 13d:21h:39m:23s
Time since last bundle is 13d:21h:40m:22s
Last bundled member is Ethernet1/7
Ports:   Ethernet1/7     [on] [up] *

Last membership update is successful
2 ports in total, 2 ports up
First operational port is Ethernet1/1
Age of the port-channel is 13d:21h:39m:23s
Time since last bundle is 13d:21h:40m:22s
Last bundled member is Ethernet1/2
Ports:   Ethernet1/1     [on] [up] *
Ethernet1/2     [on] [up]

Last membership update is successful
2 ports in total, 2 ports up
First operational port is Ethernet1/3
Age of the port-channel is 13d:21h:39m:23s
Time since last bundle is 13d:21h:40m:22s
Last bundled member is Ethernet1/5
Ports:   Ethernet1/3     [active ] [up] *
Ethernet1/5     [active ] [up]

n5596-1# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
vPC domain id                   : 3
Peer status                     : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status           : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status     : success
Type-2 consistency status       : success
vPC role                        : primary, operational secondary
Number of vPCs configured       : 100
Peer Gateway                    : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs      : -
Graceful Consistency Check      : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status
id   Port   Status Active vlans
--   ----   ------ --------------------------------------------------
1    Po230  up     1,10,50,150,300
vPC status
id     Port        Status Consistency Reason                     Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
100    Po100       up     success     success                    -
132    Po132       up     success     success                    -
101377 Eth100/1/1  down*  Not         Consistency Check Not      -
Applicable  Performed



4.1 测试目的

在vPC的部署场景中,接入设备的选择是一个重要的考虑因素。N2K FEX设备作为N5K设备的扩展板卡,支持vPC。但是接入设备也可能选择比较便宜的传统以太网接入交换机,例如Catalyst 2960。


4.2 测试拓扑


将Catalyst 3560G的两个SFP上联接口分别与两台Nexus 5596连接,验证Catalyst 3560G上可以实现跨机箱的链路捆绑。

4.3 测试配置



feature interface-vlan

interface Vlan300
no shutdown
ip address

interface port-channel20
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
vpc 20

interface Ethernet1/9
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
channel-group 20 mode active

feature interface-vlan

interface Vlan300
no shutdown
ip address

interface port-channel20
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
vpc 20

interface Ethernet1/9
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000
channel-group 20 mode active
Catalyst 3560G

interface GigabitEthernet0/27
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 20 mode active

interface GigabitEthernet0/28
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 20 mode active

interface port-channel20
switchport mode trunk

interface Vlan300
no shutdown
ip address


;portchannel 20正常

n5596-1# show port-channel database
Last membership update is successful
1 ports in total, 0 ports up
Age of the port-channel is 14d:17h:46m:34s
Time since last bundle is 14d:17h:46m:34s
Last bundled member is Ethernet1/9
Ports:   Ethernet1/9     [active ] [individual]

;vPC 20状态正常
n5596-1# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
vPC domain id                   : 3
Peer status                     : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status           : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status     : success
Type-2 consistency status       : success
vPC role                        : secondary, operational primary
Number of vPCs configured       : 100
Peer Gateway                    : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs      : -
Graceful Consistency Check      : Enabled
vPC Peer-link status
id   Port   Status Active vlans
--   ----   ------ --------------------------------------------------
1    Po230  up     1,10,50,150,300
vPC status
id     Port        Status Consistency Reason                     Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20     Po20        up     success     success                    -

n5596-1# show int po20
port-channel20 is up
vPC Status: up, vPC number: 20
Hardware: Port-Channel, address: 547f.ee07.3510 (bia 547f.ee07.3510)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA
Port mode is trunk
auto-duplex, 1000 Mb/s
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
Switchport monitor is off
EtherType is 0x8100
Members in this channel: Eth1/9
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
30 seconds input rate 2328 bits/sec, 3 packets/sec
30 seconds output rate 904 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec

n5596-2# show port-channel database
Last membership update is successful
1 ports in total, 0 ports up
Age of the port-channel is 13d:21h:39m:23s
Time since last bundle is 13d:21h:40m:22s
Last bundled member is Ethernet1/9
Ports:   Ethernet1/9     [active ] [individual]

n5596-2# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
vPC domain id                   : 3
Peer status                     : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status           : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status     : success
Type-2 consistency status       : success
vPC role                        : primary, operational secondary
Number of vPCs configured       : 100
Peer Gateway                    : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs      : -
Graceful Consistency Check      : Enabled
vPC Peer-link status
id   Port   Status Active vlans
--   ----   ------ --------------------------------------------------
1    Po230  up     1,10,50,150,300
vPC status
id     Port        Status Consistency Reason                     Active vlans
----- ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20     Po20        up     success     success                    

n5596-2# show int po20
port-channel20 is up
vPC Status: up, vPC number: 20
Hardware: Port-Channel, address: 547f.ee07.3510 (bia 547f.ee07.3510)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA
Port mode is trunk
auto-duplex, 1000 Mb/s
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
Switchport monitor is off
EtherType is 0x8100
Members in this channel: Eth1/9
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
30 seconds input rate 2280 bits/sec, 3 packets/sec
30 seconds output rate 1008 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec
Catalyst 3560G
Show interface po20




5.1 测试目的

EvPC即增强vPC或者双层vPC。在EvPC的部署场景中,不仅接入设备可以跨N5K进行链路捆绑,而且服务器做NIC TEAMING的时候也可以跨不同接入设备做loadbalance,而不仅仅是Active-Standby。支持EvPC的接入设备只能是N2K,而不能是普通的以太网交换机。



5.2 测试拓扑


将服务器IBM P550的两个以太网口分别连接到Nexus 2148T和Nexus 2248TP,配置NIC teaming为loadbalance模式,验证NIC teaming是否正常。

5.3 测试配置



interface port-channel3
switchport access vlan 300

interface Ethernet100/1/1
switchport access vlan 300
channel-group 3

interface Ethernet132/1/1
switchport access vlan 300
channel-group 3


interface port-channel3
switchport access vlan 300

interface Ethernet100/1/1
switchport access vlan 300
channel-group 3

interface Ethernet132/1/1
switchport access vlan 300
channel-group 3




n5596-1(config-if)# show int po3
port-channel3 is up
vPC Status: Up, vPC number: 262146
Hardware: Port-Channel, address: 5475.d0e8.c042 (bia 5475.d0e8.c042)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA
Port mode is access
full-duplex, 1000 Mb/s
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is on
Switchport monitor is off
EtherType is 0x8100
Members in this channel: Eth100/1/1, Eth132/1/1
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
30 seconds input rate 28560 bits/sec, 35 packets/sec
30 seconds output rate 28632 bits/sec, 35 packets/sec
Load-Interval #2: 5 minute (300 seconds)
input rate 2.78 Kbps, 3 pps; output rate 2.99 Kbps, 3 pps
2379 unicast packets  1 multicast packets  100 broadcast packets
2480 input packets  198316 bytes
0 jumbo packets  0 storm suppression bytes
0 runts  0 giants  0 CRC  0 no buffer
0 input error  0 short frame  0 overrun   0 underrun  0 ignored
0 watchdog  0 bad etype drop  0 bad proto drop  0 if down drop
0 input with dribble  0 input discard
0 Rx pause
2623 unicast packets  146511 multicast packets  2376 broadcast packets
151510 output packets  38551096 bytes
0 jumbo packets
0 output errors  0 collision  0 deferred  0 late collision
0 lost carrier  0 no carrier  0 babble 2 output discard
0 Tx pause


n5596-2# show int po3
port-channel3 is up
vPC Status: Up, vPC number: 262146
Hardware: Port-Channel, address: 5475.d0e8.c042 (bia 5475.d0e8.c042)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA
Port mode is access
full-duplex, 1000 Mb/s
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is on
Switchport monitor is off
EtherType is 0x8100
Members in this channel: Eth100/1/1, Eth132/1/1
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
30 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
30 seconds output rate 144 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Load-Interval #2: 5 minute (300 seconds)
input rate 0 bps, 0 pps; output rate 112 bps, 0 pps
2380 unicast packets  1 multicast packets  100 broadcast packets
2481 input packets  198380 bytes
0 jumbo packets  0 storm suppression bytes
0 runts  0 giants  0 CRC  0 no buffer
0 input error  0 short frame  0 overrun   0 underrun  0 ignored
0 watchdog  0 bad etype drop  0 bad proto drop  0 if down drop
0 input with dribble  0 input discard
0 Rx pause
2624 unicast packets  146527 multicast packets  2376 broadcast packets
151527 output packets  38555566 bytes
0 jumbo packets
0 output errors  0 collision  0 deferred  0 late collision
0 lost carrier  0 no carrier  0 babble 8 output discard
0 Tx pause
4 interface resets
IBM P550
将网卡地址配置为10.48.50.218,PING N5596-1的vlan 300接口地址10.48.50.132,将连接N2148T的e100/1/1接口拔掉,不丢包,证明portchannel生效。





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